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Our You tube channel »Siapro hydro turbines« can be helpfull in checking Siapro hydro power plants production and working. We try not just promoting our brand, but we give potential customers the insight of equipment working in real environments. Our videos are not perfect, but realistic and placed in electricity production processes. Also the number of our references is more and more each year.
Our number of You tube subscribers and fan base is expanding constantly and we are thankful for that.

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Podjetje želi doseči naslednje cilje projekta: ponovni zagon proizvodnje in poslovanja, povečanje konkurenčnosti, ohranjanje števila zaposlenih za 90 %, kot tudi možnost dodatnega zaposlovanja, obvladati škodo nastalo zaradi epidemije Covid-19, ponuditi trgu nov izdelek, novo storitev iz z njo ponovno zagnati poslovanje/proizvodnjo, uspešno vključitev v tržne procese in ponovno komercializacijo proizvodov, procesov in storitev po krizi epidemije.

Naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada  za regionalni razvoj.


The two-hour event within the framework of the Olympic Games in Tokyo, in which we participated, offered presentations of five innovative solutions of Slovenian companies in the field of energy and sustainable solutions to Japanese partners. In Siapro, we established cooperation with the Japanese market in the field of hydroelectric power plants years ago. We also have patented solutions in this area. For entrepreneurs, Japan is very interesting, but it is a demanding market.

An excellent online event was organized by SPIRIT Slovenia, a public agency and the Slovenian Embassy in Tokyo with presentations: SIAPRO Hydro Turbines, Robotina, BISOL Group, ETREL, ELES, d.o.o., system operator of the transmission electricity network

Thanks to organizers for organizing and leading the event.

TV Slovenia

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SIAPRO d.o.o.
Postaja 9
Slovenia, EU

T: +386 5 3841 632

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