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If you add shading, colour, lamination to a 3D or also a 2D model with a computer software program you can get a nice life-like photorealistic image of a product. In our engineering process not joust we need to make graphic renders for our customers, we also like this work very much.

The end is always the same: a real hydro power plant in operation somewhere on the world. Check our references on our web page. Type in Google: hydroelectricity Siapro.Write us if you get any idea of cooperating with us.


Our You tube channel »Siapro hydro turbines« can be helpfull in checking Siapro hydro power plants production and working. We try not just promoting our brand, but we give potential customers the insight of equipment working in real environments. Our videos are not perfect, but realistic and placed in electricity production processes. Also the number of our references is more and more each year.
Our number of You tube subscribers and fan base is expanding constantly and we are thankful for that.

To check what we will put in future you are kindly invited to subscribe to our You tube channel too. Type in You tube "Siapro hydro turbines" you will definitely find us and after log in to the Subscribe button.


Podjetje želi doseči naslednje cilje projekta: ponovni zagon proizvodnje in poslovanja, povečanje konkurenčnosti, ohranjanje števila zaposlenih za 90 %, kot tudi možnost dodatnega zaposlovanja, obvladati škodo nastalo zaradi epidemije Covid-19, ponuditi trgu nov izdelek, novo storitev iz z njo ponovno zagnati poslovanje/proizvodnjo, uspešno vključitev v tržne procese in ponovno komercializacijo proizvodov, procesov in storitev po krizi epidemije.

Naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada  za regionalni razvoj.

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SIAPRO d.o.o.
Postaja 9
Slovenia, EU

T: +386 5 3841 632

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