Complete engineering for hydro power plant construction, projects leading

With SIAPRO Engineering team we are able to offer you turn key projects, from basic advising, designing, obtaining approvals and permits, making constructions, equipment supplying and putting hydro power plant into
operation.We prepare all necessary documentation for hydro stations.

We are offering all engineering services, including project management and executive works. Siapro advises its users through all phases of a project, from idea to execution.

We provide professional approach in all phases of the investment process. Our high-quality solutions are provided on time and made ready-to-use.

We precisely define the optimal technology regarding the value of the investment and time by which the project must be completed. Our company looks for innovative solutions and products, because high level of innovation and knowing the processes are the only way to achieve short-term return on investment.


We reserve all rights in this site and in the subject matter, pictures and photos contained herein. Any utilization of content as a whole or in part is forbidden without prior written consent of Siapro. All photos ©Siapro.

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SIAPRO d.o.o.
Postaja 9
Slovenia, EU

T: +386 5 3841 632

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