Kaplan hydro turbine is axial overpressure water turbine, which has a radial inflow, outflow, however axial. Kaplan turbine is used for high flow rates and low lows. For a wide range of flow rate is achieved a very good yields, even more than 92%. More than 20 years of experience means the accumulation of experience and knowledge that guarantee internationally competitive solutions.
Poster SIAPRO Water Turbines (.pdf 632KB)
Poster SIAPRO SAXO Blades for Kaplan Turbine_ang (.pdf 1.3MB)
Catalog in Spanish
A4_SIAPRO_Kaplan_Hydro_Turbine_A4_esp_2020_distribution (.pdf 4.2MB)
Questionnarie for Siapro offer:
mHE_Word_Questionnarie_for_Siapro_Hydropower_Plants_offer_ang_2021 (.docm 416KB)
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