Engineering services and construction Made ready to use

You don't have to worry about your investment

Complete engineering services include consulting, technical and implementation works, and involve the following activities:
  • Designing
  • Preparation of project and workshop documentation
  • Supply or production of the equipment
  • Installation of the equipment
  • Supervising the investment.

An international team of engineers and technologists

We have a wide knowledge gained from many years of experiences in the industry. Our services are professional and qualitative, our solutions reflect our experiences. By working together with you we look for an optimal technology and innovative technological solutions. We ensure the shortest return on investment.

We are an independent company associated with partner companies

This allows us to take an independent approach in selecting the optimal equipment according to specific production program. We work closely with the investor to help you choose the right technology that will meet your specific requirements.

Professional approach carried out at all stages of the investment process:

  • Pre-engineering studies
  • Feasibility studies: the processes and integration of the equipment
  • Analysis of costs and technological solutions
  • Process optimization: improving productivity, use of new technologies, reduction of production costs
  • Designing and preparing the documentation
  • Advising environmentally and health-friendly solutions: environmental protection
  • Supply of equipment: hardware, electrical equipment
  • Installation and starting of equipment
  • Supply of spare parts and after sales support
  • Preventive or annual maintenance contract
Send inquiry
SIAPRO d.o.o.
Postaja 9
Slovenia, EU

T: +386 5 3841 632

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