Fully automated containerised hydro plant Siapro SHPP Compact

Cheaper energy source

With this unit you can replace diesel generated electricity supply with a cheaper system based on water energy. Good electricity supply for new plants, mines, sawmills, tourism facilities for areas with no electric network etc.

This is a functional, safe and robust solution for small hydro power  plants rating up to 150 kW.

Main benefits

  1. Simple container system box - KIT solution
  2. Optimized transport in a standard 20'’ container
  3. Fast and cost efficient, no need to construct a building or dam
  4. No assembly of the equipment
  5. Robust hydro power plants for small rivers, which don’t need water dams and regulation
  6. Simple installation connections to the pipe and grid
  7. The product can be quickly put into operation
  8. Suitable for potable water system.                VIDEO Containerised hydro plant

Main characteristics, production and commissioning:

  1.  The unit is fully automated by PLC and may be remotely surveyed and controlled
  2. A functional, safe and robust solution for small hydro power  plants rating up to 150 kW
  3. Electrical connections to each consumer or local grid (400V or 230V)
  4. Short delivery and installation time due to standardization, prefabrication and no need for major on-site construction work regarding the power plant
  5. Reduces the cost for project engineering and customization
  6. Once on site, the unit can be quickly put into operation.

SIAPRO_Containerised_Hydro_Plant_SHPP Compact_ang_distributio (.pdf 2.2MB)
A3_SIAPRO_Hydro_Power_Plants_ang_2019_distribution (.pdf 5.6MB)                

Catalog in Spanish
pdfSIAPRO_Containerised_Hydro_Power_Plant_A4_esp (.pdf 2.2MB)

Questionnarie for Siapro offer:
defaultmHE_Word_Questionnarie_for_Siapro_Hydropower_Plants_offer_ang_2021 (.docm 416KB)

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SIAPRO d.o.o.
Postaja 9
Slovenia, EU

T: +386 5 3841 632
E: hydro@siapro.si
W: www.siapro.eu

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